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How To Install A PVC Cleanout

stack of pipes

Installing a PVC cleanout is an essential component of any plumbing system. PVC cleanouts provide access to the pipes to clean, maintain, and inspect the system. They’re simple to set up and can save you significant time and money in the long run. This article will walk you through installing a PVC cleanout and each step.


Before beginning the installation process, you must have all the required tools and materials. You will need a hacksaw, primer and cement, a measuring tape, and a marker. The PVC cleanout and the PVC pipes connected to it are both required components of the project.

Locate The Installation Area

The following step is to locate the installation area. You need to identify the spot where to install the PVC cleanout. It typically occurs at the point where the primary sewer line connects to the house or building. Mark the installation area with a marker once you have found it.

Cut The PVC Pipe

Using a hacksaw, cut the PVC pipe to the desired length. The length should be sufficient to enable the installation of the PVC cleanout. Check that the cut is straight and smooth.

Apply Primer And Cement

Use a brush to apply primer and cement to the PVC cleanout and pipe. Ensure that both parts are coated evenly with primer. Similarly, apply the cement to both legs, ensuring an even application. Be mindful of using the cement and primer uniformly to avoid uneven or unstable joints. Finally, allow sufficient drying time for the adhesive to cure correctly.

Insert The Cleanout

Make sure the cleanout fits snugly inside the PVC pipe. To properly provide the cleanout, it may be necessary to twist it slightly. This step is essential for easy access to the pipes for cleaning, maintenance, and inspection. Proper cleanout installation will prevent leaks and other problems in the plumbing system.

Secure The Cleanout

After placing the cleanout, it is essential to secure it, and a clamp can do it. It ensures that the cleanout stays in place and does not move. Secure cleanout placement is necessary for the proper functioning of the plumbing system. Without a secure cleanout, there may be leaks or other issues that can cause damage.

Test The Installation

Once you’ve installed the PVC cleanout, test it by running water through the pipes. It’ll help you determine if there are any leaks or issues with the installation. If there are any leaks, you may need to apply additional primer and cement to fix the problem.


Installing a PVC cleanout is crucial for maintaining a well-functioning plumbing system. By following these easy steps, you can ensure that your pipes are easily accessible for cleaning, maintenance, and inspection.

Don’t risk costly repairs or potential health hazards by neglecting this important aspect of plumbing maintenance. Trust our experts at Bueno Plumbing to provide top-notch installation services and ensure your plumbing system is functioning efficiently. Contact us today to schedule your PVC cleanout installation and experience peace of mind with a well-maintained plumbing system.
