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What Causes Pinhole Leaks In Copper Pipes

pinhole leaks in copper pipes

Pinhole leaks are a frequent yet dangerous plumbing issue unique to copper pipes. They appear gradually due to the copper pipe’s inside corrosion making its way through the metal to the outside, creating microscopic holes. Due to their tiny pinhole leaks can go unnoticed for a long time, silently exacerbating the issue and expanding the scope of the damage.

It is essential to comprehend the reasons for pinhole leaks before trying to avoid or remedy them. The following are a few causes of pinhole leaks in copper pipes:

Rusted Corrosion

Copper pipes may develop pinhole leaks due to the localized corrosion type known as pitted corrosion. Copper progressively corrodes in acidic water, eventually causing a pinhole leak. Pitted deterioration typically comes in three varieties:  

  1. Hard water with a pH of 7 to 7.8 is the leading cause of type one, typically in cold water. It results in pipe failure by causing deep and narrow pitting.
  2. Type two pitting can lead to pipe failure despite being thinner than type one. It is linked to soft water with a pH lower than 7.2.
  3. Cold soft water with a pH greater than eight is related to type three. Pipe jams and blue water are caused by broad and low pitting.  


According to plumbing regulations, hot water must go through copper pipes at a speed of 5 feet per second and cold water at 8 feet per second. Higher or unstable water flow rates result in turbulence, which damages the inner protective lining over time and eventually leads to pinhole leaks. Also, if the pipe fittings are too close, the water flow will be more turbulent.

Wear And Tear Brought On By Aging

At 25 to 30 years after installation, copper pipes exhibit signs of age-related wear and tear, especially if they are not properly maintained. The anticipated lifespan of copper pipes might be considerably shortened by hard water. Older homes may require pipe repair and examination by a qualified plumber if they have a pinhole leak.

Faulty Installation

Errors made during the cutting and welding of copper pipes during installation are among the most frequent causes of pinhole leaks in such lines. These errors may hasten interior deterioration and result in pinhole leaks.

How Can Copper Pipes With Pinhole Leaks Be Repaired Or Avoided?

Copper pipes cannot be protected against corrosion; however, householders may slow it down and stop pinhole leaks by taking the following precautions:

  1. Keep an eye on the water velocity and stay within the recommended range.
  2. Look over the pipe fittings.
  3. Putting up a water softener
  4. Make sure the pipes are the proper size.
  5. If the copper pipes are more than 20 years old, replace them.


To prevent serious harm to the house plumbing system or to identify and address pinhole leaks as soon as possible. Hire a qualified plumber to remedy pinhole leaks or perform routine copper pipe inspections. Bueno Plumbing provides residential and commercial drain cleaning, leak detection, and repair, so there’s no need to be concerned. We truly know how important it is for you to keep your plumbing system operating efficiently and safely. Our plumbers are trained to identify pinhole leaks and ensure they are repaired properly so that future damage does not occur.
